[PySide] [Stackless] PySide violates Python API - PyQt does not!

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon Dec 10 00:46:11 CET 2012

Hi John,

I tried stackless pyside on OS X after patching pyside-setup's shiboken 
a bit.

Unfortunately, the situation is still the same.
Segfault 11, then malloc_error trap 6, ...
then it suddenly runs smoothly!

It seems to be a different problem, related to initialization issues.
This needs further investigation :-(

cheers - chris

On 09.12.12 20:08, Christian Tismer wrote:
> On 09.12.12 19:22, John Ehresman wrote:
>> On 12/8/12 1:36 PM, Christian Tismer wrote:
>>> It is pretty likely that there is a problem with extra data fields 
>>> behind
>>> the type object structure, which is used by both pyside and stackless.
>>> from basewrapper.h :
>>>> /// PyTypeObject extended with C++ multiple inheritance information.
>>>> struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObjectType
>>>> {
>>>>      PyHeapTypeObject super;
>>>>      SbkObjectTypePrivate* d;
>>>> };
>> If this is the case, shouldn't recompiling pyside & shiboken for
>> stackless resolve the issue?
> Yes, this is true, and I tried this.
> Unfortunately, PySide does not build with Stackless Python, due to
> the different definition of PyHeapTypeObject.
> I saw thar PyQT had a similar problem, and it has a small patch.
> PySide is different in that it requires to access to
>     PyTypeObject ht_type;
> which is absent in stackless.
> Now I'm undecided whether to change shiboken or stackless.?
> Maybe I will patch shiboken for the moment, to see if it solves the 
> problem.
> Thanks for motivating me - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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