[PySide] Wrong documentation/example code

Hugo Parente Lima hugo.lima at openbossa.org
Mon Jul 30 16:20:38 CEST 2012

On Saturday, July 21, 2012 07:29:11 PM Aaron Richiger wrote:
> Dear list!
> I don't know how the documentation for the classes is written, but I
> guess it's some script to translate Qt's (PyQt4's) documentation into
> PySide documentation, because the the same errors appear in the current
> version of PyQt4's doc. How ever, this script seems to be quite buggy,

Wrong guess, the PySide script translates Qt C++ documentation into PySide 
documentation, PyQt4 probably have something similar tool, but we will never 
know because the tool (if there's one) used to do it in PyQt4 wasn't released.

> since it does not produce nice or even valid python code. One example is
> the doc for
> QTextStream(http://www.pyside.org/docs/pyside/PySide/QtCore/QTextStream.html
> ) as you noticed from another posting. The first two examples are not
> runnable, the first one is incorrect python syntax ("&data", semicolas to
> terminate the lines are not that pythonic;-)), the second one is not type
> compatible. But there are other places where similar bugs appear too.

The examples were translated from C++ code to Python by humans, this explains 
the errors.
> If you want to fix the examples of QTextStream, you can get some pieces
> of code from my example application posted just a few minutes ago for
> this particular class.

All code snippets in the documentation can be fixed, they are on PySide git, 
inside the doc directory, patches are appreciated.
> Even better would be to fix every wrong example code in other classes by
> correcting the script.

The script task is just translate a bunch of XML files do the ReST format, then 
apply the documentation changes described in typesystem files for each module.
> And the best would be to adapt the doc for python instead of using the
> same as for C++, because in some cases (e.g QTextStream) I'm quite sure
> that there are better solutions for python. But since this would be a
> big amount of work, I save this wish for Christmas:-)!
> Finally, thanks to the guy who wrote the doc, most of it is very helpful
> and correct!

The Qt team wrote it =], the PySide devs just did some adaptation proportional 
to the time we decided to spent into documentation tasks, but thanks anyway =]
> Aaron
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