[PySide] PySide setup scripts

Roman Lacko backup.rlacko at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 13:02:20 CEST 2012

Hi list,

new PySide setup scripts are available [1], with full support for
distutils, pip and easy_install on Windows and Linux systems!

With new scripts there is available also new "source" distribution,
allready regitered on PyPI [2].

Detailed install instruction are availeble on PyPI page,
here is short intro:

Installing pyside from PyPI on Windows:
$ easy_install pyside

Installing pyside from PyPI on Linux (it will build binaries inplace):
$ pip install pyside

Installing from github repository on Windows (it will build binaries inplace):
$ pip install git+https://github.com/PySide/pyside-setup.git

Installing from github repository on Linux (it will build binaries inplace):
$ pip install git+https://github.com/PySide/pyside-setup.git

Building egg packages on Linux:
$ git clone https://github.com/PySide/pyside-setup.git pyside-setup
$ cd pyside-setup
$ python setup.py bdist_egg

Building windows installer on Windows:
$ git clone https://github.com/PySide/pyside-setup.git pyside-setup
$ cd pyside-setup
$ python setup.py bdist_wininst

Creating source distribution:
$ git clone https://github.com/PySide/pyside-setup.git pyside-setup
$ cd pyside-setup
$ python setup.py sdist

The main difference between installing via pip and easy_install is,
that easy_install installs binary packages if available and pip allways installs
sourse distribution (and builds binaries inplace). Therefore, it is
better to use
easy_install on windows, if you want to use prebuilt binaries and pip
if you want to
build your own PySide binaries.

Linux installation notes:

1. I tested building and installing Linux binaries on Ubuntu 10.04LTS
with Qt 4.6 and Ubuntu 12.04LTS with Qt 4.8.

2. By default, the linux binary distribution does not contain embedded
Qt libs (like windows package), and uses the Qt libs installed in
system. To build standalone
linux package use option --standalone. Note that this is experimental option.
To building binary egg, installable on system without Qt libs:
$ python setup.py bdist_egg --standalone

3. The install script updates rpath elf header on PySide binaries so
the right libs are allways found (libpyside.so and libshiboken.so,
embedded Qt libs), and there is no need to install the libs to system
path, they stay "private".


[1] https://github.com/PySide/pyside-setup.git
     mirrored here: https://bitbucket.org/rlacko/pyside-setup.git
[2] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PySide

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