[PySide] Restructured the wiki landing page

Matti Airas mairas at iki.fi
Wed May 30 13:13:59 CEST 2012


Anticipating the rampdown of the original website, I shoveled a bit of
the information to the wiki, and while at it, also restructured the
wiki landing page:


Feel free to modify further. :-)

Remaining bits to do:

- Have the static documentation moved to http://qt-project/doc

- Have the original Bugzilla archived somewhere.

The Bugzilla issue was discussed already earlier. It can be either
done as an HTML mirror or a full Bugzilla mirror. I'd prefer the
latter because of the better search functionality (but then again,
maybe a Google special search would do just as well). HTML mirror can
of course be performed by anyone; if you want to have a go at
replicating the actual Bugzilla, I'd be happy to provide the MySQL
dumps for the purpose (sans the emails and passwords).



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