[PySide] setup.py patch for OS X

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Tue Nov 20 02:10:57 CET 2012

Hi again,

Install-hell hits me again. :-(

I uninstalled my homebrew version and tried to make sure that
the new version from Matthew Bratt works for me. But it doesn't.

I used his version of setup.py after removal and installing
of Qt 4.8.3 into /Library/Frameworks and /Developer/Qt/Applications
as the default is.

No changes to any path related stuff in ~/.profile .

When trying the build (on OS X 10.8.2), I get the following error:

> Linking CXX executable shiboken
> ld: framework not found QtCore
> clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see 
> invocation)
> make[2]: *** [generator/shiboken] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [generator/CMakeFiles/shiboken.dir/all] Error 2
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> error: Error compiling shiboken
> (pydica)minimax:PySide-1.1.2 tismer$ 

This is actually the very same problem that hit me since days and made 
me try Homebrew,
which admittedly has its other shortcomings.
/Library/Frameworks is on the path, and QtCore can be seen from there.

Can somebody enlighten me what's wrong here?
The patched setup.py should work on a standard installation, before I try to
improve it and make it more flexible.
Is that due to the fact that Matt uses OS X 10.6, as I think to recall?

Or is ist an issue to use the shiboken module from Homebrew, as I did here?
In any case, this should really not matter if things are in shape.

cheers - Chris

On 19.11.12 23:30, Christian Tismer wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> thank *you* for the Mac patch. It is much better developed than
> mine. I tried to make the minimum changes, so I will rewrite my
> stuff on top of Matthews version, which is a real improvement.
> The main difference is that my setup version works with Homebrew,
> which the patched version does not.
> I think to rewrite things a bit more to probe how Qt was created,
> and hopefully support the --standalone option.
> I'll be back then -
>      ciao -- Chris
> On 11/19/12 3:39 PM, Roman Lacko wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> thanks for patch.
>> Here is another patch for mac OSX provided by Matthew Bratt [1].
>> I will merge Matthew's patch and than we can review your changes.
>> Regards
>> Roman
>> [1] https://github.com/PySide/pyside-setup/pull/3
>> 2012/11/17 Christian Tismer <tismer at stackless.com 
>> <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>>
>>     Hi guys,
>>     I did not understand why pip never worked on OS X until I looked into
>>     the source which just treats the non-windows world as being linux.
>>     So I wrote a patch that added the few missing bits to make
>>     setup.py and
>>     pyside_postinstall.py work correctly under mac os x.
>>     I would like to contribute this to pyside and would like to know
>>     how/where to
>>     submit the patch.
>>     In any case, I will make those changes available as a pyside
>>     sub-project
>>     of pydica, tomorrow.
>>     http://bitbucket.org/pydica/pyside
>>     Cheers - chris
>>     mailto:tismer at stackless.com <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
>>     Sent from my Ei4Steve
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> -- 
> Christian Tismer             :^)<mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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