[PySide] setup.py patch for OS X

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Wed Nov 21 22:13:36 CET 2012

Hi Matt,

On 11/21/12 1:14 AM, Matthew Brett wrote:

>> Good news:
>> Your installer works as is on Mountain Lion !!
>> The only problem was cmake installed by homebrew.
>> I actually found a hint on gmane that was actually from you :-) (earlier this year).
> Oh - really - busted?  I thought they had fixed the bug in
> - any chance of reporting back to the cmake guys on the list?

I am not on this list, and I'm not sure if I should go this far.
Honestly, this install problem is becoming quite a lot for me.
I don't think I want to become also a cmake developer ;-)

Is there anybody on the cmake mailing list who could pls. do that?

Simply reporting that has the same problem as 2.8.10
concerning QtCore library not found?
>> Downgrading cmake to 2.8.9 did the trick.
>> Maybe we need to add a version check that prevends the trouble I had with this.
>> I think of black-listing versions that do not work.
> I was hoping it was just 2.8.10 that was bust - but if the current
> version is bust, yes, we probably ought to check...

Ok, I think I will put a check into setup.py with some comment.

There are more problems, see next post ;-)

cheers - Chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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