[PySide] PySide and VTK on Windows 32

Nathan Smith nathanjsmith at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 18:28:23 CEST 2013

I looked into this several months back. I believe I decided that it is a
bug in the XML wrapping specifications used by shiboken. I was going to
change the XML so that it cast the internal value to a long (winid in
windows is the address of the window cast to a long; yeah, it's that
awesome)  but I ran out of time and never got back to it.

On Apr 5, 2013 9:23 AM, "John Ehresman" <jpe at wingware.com> wrote:

> On 4/5/13 4:47 AM, Marc.Poinot at onera.fr wrote:
> > Then I port on a Microsoft Windows system (XP 32), with PySide win32
> > distribution (1.1.x)  Qt4 and VTK 5.10, and I have a type error in
> > QVTKRenderWindowInteractor while retrieving the self.winId() which is
> > expected to be castable as int:
> >
> >     TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not
> 'PyCObject'
> >
> > The PySide API actually says the PySide.QtGui.QWidget.winId() returns a
> > long...
> This probably is a PySide bug in either the implementation or
> documentation.  A PyCObject is Python C api object used to wrap a void
> pointer and is not a long.  Could you open a bug report on the PySide
> tracker at https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/PYSIDE ?
> Thanks,
> John
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