[PySide] complicated dictionaries

Aaron Richiger a.richi at bluewin.ch
Thu Apr 25 01:40:37 CEST 2013

Am 25.04.2013 01:17, schrieb John Ehresman:
> On 4/24/13 6:59 PM, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
>>   Can anybody please explain this tutorial to me:
>> http://qt-project.org/wiki/Auto-generating-QObject-from-template-in-PySide
>> Im about to give up. im not great at python and trying to figure out
>> the python syntax vs what pyside is meant to be doing is really
>> confusing me. There are some fancy builtin objects being used that are
>> behaving like dictionaries kwarggs, __dict__, and some confusing inner
>> functions. As it is a pyside tutorial why didnt it just focus mainly
>> on pyside and just use a normal dictionary and basic function process
>> for the python code?
> Agreed.  I just looked at the page for the first time and can't figure
> out what it's trying to accomplish (and I know a fair bit about python
> and pyside).  I'd suggest just skipping it out or are you trying to do
> something similar?
> Cheers,
> John
Partially agreed:) The tutorial is an interesting puzzle, but 
definitively not a beginners tutorial. It's fairly advanced python and I 
had to study the code for a moment to understand it even if I'm using 
Python almost every day... I would also suggest to skip it, because it's 
at most 10% PySide related, 90% or more is Python related. I would study 
other tutorials if you want to get used to PySide.
For people still interested in this tutorial: It goes towards meta 
programming. It allows you defining many different classes with very 
little code (but only as long as the classes exactly fit into the 
limitations of this template). E.g. if you need classes for Persons, 
Buildings and Cars, the following will set them up for you:

Car = AutoQObject(
     ('model', str),
     ('inStock', bool),

Person = AutoQObject(
     ('age', int),
     ('car', Car),

Building = AutoQObject(
     ('id_', int),

The text in the tutorial description describes best, what the template 
(which is AutoQObject) does:
"Attributes, getters, setters and notification methods are automatically 

I can hardly think of a realistic example, where one would need this, 
because the classes generated from the template are quite limited, most 
often, you need more flexibility (e.g. don't need all notification 
methods, but need other methods). Please also note, that the code is not 
even PEP8 conform, which makes it even harder to understand and in my 
opinion, the author is mixing up classes with objects in the text, but 
this is just a detail:)

Hope this helps!
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