[PySide] What can be returned from a slot?
Yosef Meller
yosefmel at post.tau.ac.il
Sun Jan 13 10:46:23 CET 2013
I'm trying to follow the selectable list example on the wiki,
but instead of returning a QObject-wrapped Python object, I'm trying to return
a Python class deriving from QAbstractListModel. However, when I console.log
the returned object, I get 'undefined'.
I don't know exactly where my problem is but I suspect that a signal can only
return a certain types of things, because when I return 'int' the int is
returned fine. So what can I return from a slot, and how can I expand it to
return my model?
My list model looks like this:
class TargetListModel(QtCore.QAbstractListModel):
def __init__(self, targets):
self._targets = targets
self.setRoleNames({0: 'posx', 1: 'posy'})
def rowCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()):
return len(self._targets)
def data(self, index, role):
if not index.isValid():
target = self._targets[index.row()]
if role == 0:
return target['x']
elif role == 1:
return target['y']
And I return it from a slot like this:
class ImageExplorer(QtCore.QObject):
@QtCore.Slot(int, int, result=object)
def image_targets(self, frame, cam):
return TargetListModel([
{'x': 100, 'y': 100},
{'x': 200, 'y': 200},
Thanks in advance for any tip,
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