[PySide] Shiboken in python -- was PySide - Qt5 - Swig

Lucas Tanure ltanure at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 23:35:39 CET 2013

*Hugo*, Can you help on this ?

What generator\shiboken\cppgenerator.cpp eats? What's supposed to be the
output ?
I know that the output should some cpp code, but can you give more details?

The generator\shiboken\cppgenerator.cpp  should be the place where I answer my
doubts. And for this I need a goal ?
Like write an python code that can read this and output some cpp code. And
if you compile this code something happen .

Don't take me by a fool , or stupid, I just want to understand the start
and the end, and then I design some python software between them.

Lucas A. Tanure Alves
+55 (19) 88176559
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