[PySide] QSslSocket in Linux

Erik Johansson erik.johansson at fido.se
Fri Jul 5 13:00:17 CEST 2013

Hi again list

I have been compiling Qt and PySide for use with autodesk maya in linux but
can't seem to get QSslSocket and ssl support working. It works in osx and

Qt is build with
./configure -separate-debug-info -no-rpath -no-qt3support -no-phonon
-no-phonon-backend -openssl-linked

and openssl is found during build.

When configuring pyside i see:
-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib64/libssl.so
-- Checking for QSslCertificate in QtNetwork -- found
-- Checking for QSslCipher in QtNetwork -- found
-- Checking for QSslConfiguration in QtNetwork -- found
-- Checking for QSslError in QtNetwork -- found
-- Checking for QSslKey in QtNetwork -- found
-- Checking for QSslSocket in QtNetwork -- found

But when import QtNetwork and printing out dir(QtNetwork) this is the

['QAbstractNetworkCache', 'QAbstractSocket', 'QAuthenticator', 'QFtp',
'QHostAddress', 'QHostInfo', 'QHttp', 'QHttpHeader', 'QHttpRequestHeader',
'QHttpResponseHeader', 'QIPv6Address', 'QLocalServer', 'QLocalSocket',
'QNetworkAccessManager', 'QNetworkAddressEntry', 'QNetworkCacheMetaData',
'QNetworkConfiguration', 'QNetworkConfigurationManager', 'QNetworkCookie',
'QNetworkCookieJar', 'QNetworkDiskCache', 'QNetworkInterface',
'QNetworkProxy', 'QNetworkProxyFactory', 'QNetworkProxyQuery',
'QNetworkReply', 'QNetworkRequest', 'QNetworkSession', 'QSsl',
'QTcpServer', 'QTcpSocket', 'QUdpSocket', 'QUrlInfo', '__doc__',
'__file__', '__name__', '__package__']

and upon trying to visit an page with https the application crashes.

If anyone got some ideas or knows if its some known bug please let me know.


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