[PySide] Getting ahold of Qt 4.8.4 Windows binaries

Roman Lacko backup.rlacko at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 15:01:49 CEST 2013

2013/7/12 Anders Elfgren <srekel at gmail.com>

> Ah, thank you! I googled like crazy for those binaries :)
> Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have helped - I installed, updated PATH
> to point to 4.8.4/bin, and still get the same error message.

pyside windows binaries are self contained, that means you don't have to
install Qt or set PATH, PySide allready contains all required Qt dlls.

Could it be that I need the exact same binaries - I downloaded the ones
> built with MSVC2010 ( qt-win-opensource-4.8.4-vs2010.exe<http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/4.8/4.8.4/qt-win-opensource-4.8.4-vs2010.exe>)?
> If so, which ones do you think it would be?

Pyside for python 2.7 is build against Qt 4.8.4-msvc-2008
Pyside for python 3.3 is build against Qt 4.8.4-msvc-2010

Best regards,
> Anders
> On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Roman Lacko <backup.rlacko at gmail.com>wrote:
>> 2013/7/12 Anders Elfgren <srekel at gmail.com>
>>> Hi there,
>>> I want to try out PySide to build some internal apps for our company,
>>> but it seems like the only binaries available on Qt are for 4.8.5, and that
>>> the currently downloadable version of PySide is built against 4.8.4.
>> here is the proper url where you can download all 4.8 binaries
>> download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/4.8
>>> I'm not *sure* this is the reason, but I get this and I'm not sure what
>>> else it could be:
>> The Qt 4.8.5 was released few hours before we have created the PySde
>> windows binaries, there was no time to test the PySide against new Qt
>> release
>>> >>> import PySide
>>> >>> import PySide.QtCore
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.
>>> I would rather not build PySide and Qt myself if possible. In the Qt
>>> archives (http://download.qt-project.org/archive/qt/ ) there are
>>> downloads for 5.0 and everything from 4.7 and below, but not the 4.8
>>> builds, which is rather unfortunate.
>>> Any ideas on how I can best get ahold of those binaries and give PySide
>>> a try? :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Anders
>>> --
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> Anders Elfgren, AKA Srekel
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> --
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Anders Elfgren, AKA Srekel
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