[PySide] can't wrap subclass of QObject?

John Ehresman jpe at wingware.com
Mon Jul 22 23:35:04 CEST 2013

On 7/22/13 4:33 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Most of the results trying to search the web for similar errors suggest
> an include path issue, however AFAICT I am passing the include
> directories for Qt to shiboken. My command line is (with some unrelated
> includes elided):
> /usr/bin/shiboken
>    --generatorSet=shiboken
>    --enable-parent-ctor-heuristic
>    --enable-return-value-heuristic
>    --enable-pyside-extensions /path/to/foo/build/foo/foo_all_sdk_headers.h
> --include-paths=/usr/include:[...elided....]:/usr/include:/usr/include/QtGui:/usr/include/QtXml:/usr/include/QtNetwork:/usr/include/QtCore:/path/to/foo/build:/path/to/foo/build/foo
>    --typesystem-paths=/usr/share/PySide/typesystems
>    --output-directory=/path/to/foo/build/foo
>    /path/to/foo/build/foo/foo_typesystem.xml

Do you have a global.h ?  The command line I use for a simple extension 
with the paths left out is:

shiboken --generator-set=shiboken build/global.h --avoid-protected-hack 
--enable-pyside-extensions --include-paths=... 
--typesystem-paths=...--output-directory=build typesystem_WGuiCppImpl.xml



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