[PySide] simple QTableView example

Sebastian Elsner sebastian at risefx.com
Sun Oct 13 13:16:22 CEST 2013

This is correct.  From the docs: Editable models need to implement
and implement flags
to return a value containing Qt::ItemIsEditable


Am 13.10.2013 12:57, schrieb Frank Rueter | OHUfx:
> Thanks Sebastian,
> I don't see en editor in this though, so the result for me in PySide
> (after removing the QVariant references) is a static, non-ediablte table.
> On 13/10/13 12:43 AM, Sebastian Elsner wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> the approach I like most is described in this blog entry:
>> http://www.saltycrane.com/blog/2007/06/pyqt-42-qabstracttablemodelqtableview/
>> I think this is what you want.
>> Cheers
>> Sebastian
>> Am 12.10.2013 22:49, schrieb Frank Rueter | OHUfx:
>>> Is this the best way to do it though? I.e. having one item per cell?
>>> s there another way at all?
>>> I'm still a bit lost in the model/view design and can't find the
>>> answer online.
>>> I'm simply trying to have each row represent a "task" with a
>>> title/description (string), a status (boolean) and a priority
>>> (integer). For the integer I need a spin box and for the boolean I
>>> need a checkbox. The examples I found online all seem to be doing
>>> something slightly different and often use different ways which
>>> makes matters more confusing.
>>> Here is what I have at the moment:
>>> http://pastebin.com/H3GD0xVB
>>> The "status" and "priority" values don't display currnelty as I
>>> haven't figured out how to properly assign a delegate to just those
>>> cells. At the top I tried to define a n item delegete for a spin box
>>> but I'm not sure how to properly assign it.
>>> Do I have to make the delegate draw different widgets (spin box /
>>> checkbox) depending on data type, or can/should I use a different
>>> delegate for each cell?
>>> I'm sure the answer is right in front of me, could you please help
>>> one more time please?!
>>> Cheers,
>>> frank
>>> On 11/10/13 4:00 PM, Tibold Kandrai wrote:
>>>> If you mean to use a QStandardItem per cell then yes.
>>>> Also for storing values that you want to display, use the
>>>> Qt.DisplayRole as role.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Tibold Kandrai
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> From: Frank Rueter | OHUfx <mailto:frank at ohufx.com>
>>>> Sent: ?11/?10/?2013 14:35
>>>> To: Tibold Kandrai <mailto:kandraitibold at gmail.com>
>>>> Cc: pyside at qt-project.org <mailto:pyside at qt-project.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: [PySide] simple QTableView example
>>>> one more silly question if I may:
>>>> So if I have a task like this:
>>>>         newTask = {'title':'new task', 'priority':1, 'status':False}
>>>> and need to store the data in one row in the model I should use
>>>> three different items, one for each value, right?!
>>>> e.g.:
>>>>         newTask = {'title':'new task', 'priority':1, 'status':False}
>>>>         row = self.model.rowCount()
>>>>         for column, attr in enumerate(['title', 'priority',
>>>> 'status']):
>>>>             newItem = QtGui.QStandardItem(newTask[attr])
>>>>             self.model.setItem(row, column, newItem)
>>>> then juggle delegates or widgets to use a spin box for the integer
>>>> and a checkbox for the boolean...
>>>> Thanks for the help!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> frank
>>>> On 10/10/13 11:44 PM, Tibold Kandrai wrote:
>>>>> Hey,
>>>>> I'm not sure I understand the problem correctly.
>>>>> If you want to store data in a cell or a QStandardItem, then you
>>>>> need to use setData() and data().
>>>>> Generally you shouldn't need to subclass QStandardItem or
>>>>> QStandardItemModel.
>>>>> Here is an example how:
>>>>> # Define roles
>>>>> FINISHED_ROLE = QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 1
>>>>> PRIORITY_ROLE = QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 2
>>>>> # Create model
>>>>> model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
>>>>> item = QtGui.QStandarItem()
>>>>> model.appendRow(item)
>>>>> item_index = item.index()
>>>>> # Store data using the item
>>>>> item.setData(finished, FINISHED_ROLE)
>>>>> item.setData(priority, PRIORITY_ROLE)
>>>>> # Store data using the model
>>>>> model.setData(item_index, finished, FINISHED_ROLE)
>>>>> model.setData(item_index, priority, PRIORITY_ROLE)
>>>>> # Retrieve data using the item
>>>>> finished = item.data(FINISHED_ROLE)
>>>>> priority = item.data(PRIORITY_ROLE)
>>>>> # Retrieve data using the model
>>>>> finished = model.data(item_index, FINISHED_ROLE)
>>>>> priority = model.data(item_index, PRIORITY_ROLE)
>>>>> In some cases like click event handlers, you have the model and
>>>>> the item index, there it's easier to use the model methods instead
>>>>> of finding the item and then getting the data. ?
>>>>> Hope it helps.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Tibold
>>>>> *From:* Frank Rueter | OHUfx
>>>>> *Sent:* ?2013? ?October? ?10?, ?Thursday ?19?:?37
>>>>> *To:* pyside at qt-project.org
>>>>> After looking at some more examples I think my approach of storing
>>>>> multiple values in one item is fundamentally flawed.
>>>>> Instead I should be using one item per cell and assign the
>>>>> respective data, right?!
>>>>> I shall re-write the example accordingly, sorry for the noise.
>>>>> frank
>>>>> On 10/10/13 6:34 PM, Frank Rueter | OHUfx wrote:
>>>>>     I meant QTableView not QStandardTableView :/
>>>>>     On 10/10/13 6:33 PM, Frank Rueter | OHUfx wrote:
>>>>>         Hi all,
>>>>>         after a bit of a break from PySide I am trying to wrap my
>>>>>         head around the model/view stuff again and am trying to
>>>>>         understand how a very simple example would work where a
>>>>>         QStandarItem has properties "title", "priority" and
>>>>>         "finished" which are displayed via a QStandardTableView.
>>>>>         I am struggling with understanding how to properly display
>>>>>         the above three properties in the table's columns. I tried
>>>>>         setting the data() method on the model like this:
>>>>>         /    def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)://
>>>>>         //        '''Return data based on index and role'''//
>>>>>         //        item = self.itemFromIndex(index)//
>>>>>         //        if index.column() == 0://
>>>>>         //            return item.title//
>>>>>         //        elif index.column() == 1://
>>>>>         //            return item.finished//
>>>>>         //        elif index.column() == 2://
>>>>>         //            return item.priority/
>>>>>         but for some reason it errors saying item does not have
>>>>>         attribute "finished" even though my item object s declared
>>>>>         like this:
>>>>>         /class TaskItem(QtGui.QStandardItem)://
>>>>>         //    '''Item to hold a task for the todo list'''//
>>>>>         ////
>>>>>         //    def __init__(self, title, finished=False,
>>>>> priority=1)://
>>>>>         //        super(TaskItem, self).__init__(title)//
>>>>>         //        self.title = title//
>>>>>         //        self.finished = finished//
>>>>>         //        self.priority = priority/
>>>>>         When printing the item's attributes via dir() I see that,
>>>>>         when the model is populated, the last item it attempts to
>>>>>         call is not my custom item object, but something else with
>>>>>         less attributes and methods. Clearly there is something I
>>>>>         haven't quite understood about this process.
>>>>>         Also, if I use the models data() method as pointed out above,
>>>>>         I get checkboxes in the cells which I don't want at this
>>>>> stage.
>>>>>         Can somebody please help me understand where I go wrong?
>>>>>         Attached is the whole test code.
>>>>>         Cheers,
>>>>>         frank
>>>>>         P.S.: I am aware that the controller code shouldn't
>>>>>         necessarily live in the QWidget's methods, this is just for
>>>>>         testing which I will clean up once I get how it all connects
>>>>>         again
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