[PySide] [Stackless] PySide problem, take #2: typeobject clash

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Sun Oct 20 06:07:22 CEST 2013

Howdy, friends!,

today, I solved it!
Made a Stackless Python 2.7.5 that works with PySide.
(or maybe vice-versa?)

Yappa-Dappa-Duu !!

The patch is not that large, but it was a bit involved, to say the least ;-)

Hey, life is great, and Stackless is my future, forever!

All the best -- Chris

The current version is online at

https://bitbucket.org/pydica/pyside-setup/    (official)

and will be submitted as a pull request on github, tomorrow.

(p.s.: I'm trying to keep this patch as small as possible, but still it 
  quite a lot of PySide, going criss-cross over the sub-modules.
  I have to say that this is a design flaw and not my initial fault. 
PySide should not
  poke into internal data structures which are undocumented.
  I will re-work this ASAP.
  But for now, I'M INCREDIBLY HAPPY (sorry for screaming)

cheerioh -- chris  (live long and prosper with Stackless PySide)

p.p.s.: I can understand if this patch will not be accepted for PySide 
since it is very directly targeted. On the other hand, it is a step 
towards removal
of certain structures that we should abandon.
However you decide, I can live with it (and am used to it, you know ;-) )

p.p.p.s.: It is still a bit crazy to know that the compatibility patch for
PyQT is just 4 lines -- as it should be ...

On 10.12.12 12:39, Kristján Valur Jónsson wrote:
> Yes.
> But, stackless tries to detect if a type has the proper stackless extensions, by a flag in the type's 'flag' entry:
> Therefore, there shouldn't be confusion:
> 1) if Stackless sees a type defined by Shiboken, even with the shiboken extension, it shouldn't have this flag, and stackless should ignore it.
> 2) If Shiboken sees a type object from stackless, it won't do anything with it because it only adds the sbk extensions to its own types.
> The issue is, imho, likely to be a problem with 1), a yet unidentified case in stackless where we assume all internal types to have the extension, i.e. fail to check for the presence of the flag.
> K
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Christian Tismer [mailto:tismer at stackless.com]
>> Sent: 8. desember 2012 21:45
>> To: stackless at stackless.com; Kristján Valur Jónsson; Richard Tew; lars van
>> Gemerden
>> Subject: PySide problem, take #2: typeobject clash
>> Hi again,
>> after some more investigation, I think I found it.
>> See thread [PySide violates Python API - PyQt does not!] The first message
>> was not correct, but the second one very likely is.
>> As said there, the PyHeapTypeObject is extended like so:
>>> /// PyTypeObject extended with C++ multiple inheritance information.
>>> struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObjectType
>>> {
>>>      PyHeapTypeObject super;
>>>      SbkObjectTypePrivate* d;
>>> };
>> This additional pointer gets aliased to the first 4 bytes (win 32 bit) of
>> typedef struct _slp_methodflags {
>>       signed char tp_itemsize;
>>       signed char tp_weaklistoffset;
>>       signed char tp_dictoffset;
>>       signed char nb_add;
>>       signed char nb_subtract;
>>       signed char nb_multiply;
>>       signed char nb_divide;
>>       signed char nb_remainder;
>> ...
>> The first three seem irrelevant. But the nb_add might influence the way how
>> __add__ is interpreted. Due to the pointer value, stackless tries to call
>> __add__ using the soft-switching protocol, which then fails miserably.
>> The macro that tries this is:
>> #define STACKLESS_PROMOTE_METHOD(obj, meth) \
>>       (obj->ob_type->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_STACKLESS_EXTENSION ?
>> \
>>       slp_try_stackless = stackless & obj->ob_type->slpflags.meth : 0)
>> and it is used by
>> #define STACKLESS_PROPOSE_METHOD(obj, meth)                         \
>> {                                                               \
>>       int stackless = STACKLESS_POSSIBLE();                       \
>>       STACKLESS_PROMOTE_METHOD(obj, meth);                        \
>>       }
>> Unfortunately, I could not find out if there is a way for Stackless to fall into
>> this trap. But a good thing would be a little test:
>> Lars, Richard:
>> Can you please try your crashing examples, by putting
>>> import stackless
>>> stackless.enable_softswitch(False)
>> right after the program start?
>> That makes sure that stackless support of the interpreter is completely
>> disabled, so the misinterpreted frags are of no influence.
>> If that leads to significantly less crashes, then there is a quick fix for PySide:
>> Insert a dummy void* into object.h before slpflags:
>>>      PyObject *ht_name, *ht_slots;
>>>      slp_methodflags slpflags;
>>> #endif
>>> } PyTypeObject;
>> Hope this helps, but I'm not confident -- Chris
>> --
>> Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
Software Consulting          :     Have a break! Take a ride on Python's
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