[PySide] Finale (Re: [Stackless] PySide problem, take #2: typeobject clash)

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon Oct 28 04:56:00 CET 2013


today I found the final solution. Yay !-)
Very few lines of code, and binary compatible with CPython and Stackless.
That means you need not compile different versions if you switch to 

This was the end of a long journey, until I realized:

- PySide does not directly use any structure that stackless changes.

- the only problem is that PySide wants to extend PyType_Type, but stackless
    wants to do the same.


- turn stackless off in PySide, by defining STACKLESS_OFF

- add the needed padding to SbkObjectType

By definition, STACKLESS_OFF has the effect of producing vanilla CPython,
so it is not even needed to test more than one version. It _is_ already
a plain CPython extension, and if it runs on stackless, it also runs on 

End of a long journey...

... and I should better remember solutions which were prepared since a 
    Well, this use case of STACKLESS_OFF was in fact not known before.

cheers - Chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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