[PySide] Fwd: PyQt Designer

Hedieh Ebrahimi hedieh.ebrahimi at amphos21.com
Mon Oct 28 16:35:43 CET 2013


I have problems using ScrollArea in PyQt . I have the following object.

1. Frame
2. Scroll Area
3. tab object
4.Group Box
5. My Buttons

I am trying to make the ScrollBar appear but  it doesn´t.

Then, I put my frame and scrollArea smaller than my tab widget, but still
the scroll bar doesn´t appear. Also I have set the minimum size of the tab
widget object and the groupbox to their original size.

I have attached my ui file with this email.Could somebody please take a
look at my file and please let me know what I could be doing wrong.

Thanks in Advance
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