[PySide] User defined signals and slots

Boris Pohler boris at pohlers-web.de
Tue Oct 29 15:47:55 CET 2013

When you connect the signal to the slot you call the function
self.askforfileBTN(self.ui.X_Vel_lineEdit). You want transmit the
function as parameter instead like

self.connect(self.ui.X_Vel_pushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("pushed()"),

btw, you are using the old style for connecting signals and slots, you
better use the new style



Am Dienstag, den 29.10.2013, 15:27 +0100 schrieb Hedieh Ebrahimi:
> Hi all, 
> In my User Interface, I have many pushButtons. When one of these
> pushButtons is clicked, a function is called that will open a
> QFileDialog that will let you browse for a file as below:
>  def askforfile(self):
>         curFileName=self.ui.X_Vel_lineEdit.text()
>         (fileName, _selectedFilter) =
> QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,
> filter="*.txt;;*.*",viewMode="Detail")
> As I have so many of these browse buttons, I was thinking to edit the
> " askforfile" method so that it would take the QEditLine that is
> operating on as an argument.
> Then I understood that Clicked which is a pushButton predefined thing,
> doesn´t accept arguments and I can not have the following line in my
> code.
> self.ui.X_Vel_pushButton.pushed.connect(self.askforfileBTN(self.ui.X_Vel_lineEdit))
> as the self.askforfileBTN(self.ui.X_Vel_lineEdit)) has
> self.ui.X_Vel_lineEdit as its argument.
> , so finally I defined the following signal and then i connected it.
> pushed=QtCore.Signal(self.ui.X_Vel_lineEdit)
> self.connect(self.ui.X_Vel_pushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("pushed()"),
> self.askforfileBTN(self.ui.X_Vel_lineEdit))
> and now what happens is that the the fileDialog opens even before the
> main Window opens and before i even click the push button.
> Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?
> Thanks
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