[PySide] PySide QSignalMapper not working

Hedieh Ebrahimi hedieh.ebrahimi at amphos21.com
Thu Oct 31 15:56:56 CET 2013

Hi all,

I have 3 pushButtons and I have a function (askforfile) which I want to
connect as SLOT to these 3 push buttons.

So I tried to use QSignalMapper from QtCore.
I don´t know how to connect my function (askforfile) as a map().

I have attached my script. I know that in this line :

self.ui.pushButton.connect(self.ui.pushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked"),
self.signalMapper, QtCore.SLOT("map()"))

I am not connecting my function (askforfile) to my three buttons, but I
don´t know the correct way to do this.

I have attached my script. I would really appreciate if anybody could help
me correct my script.

Thanks in Advance.

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