[PySide] Merge tool

Lucas Tanure ltanure at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 16:01:26 CET 2014


I want to share with you guys one tool that I wrote for PySide.
This tools was wrote thinking in my development workflow. I wrote this
tutorial few months ago:

http://qt-project.org/wiki/QtCreator_and_PySide - I need to update this

Develop a class that control the UI that came from QtCreator + pyside-uic.
If you change the UI, you will need to merge this changes in previous

1 - run pyside-uic with the new uic
2 - extrac the methods from 1, creates a dict {method_name : method_code}
3 - read the the file that holds the previous class, but only the class
that you provide the name
4 - replace methods from 3 with the methods from 2, only replace the
methods with the same name
5 - apply some changes in the result code, some just for PyCharm stop



Lucas A. Tanure Alves
+55 (19) 988176559
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