[PySide] PySide C++ hybrid app.

ntod8729 at uni.sydney.edu.au ntod8729 at uni.sydney.edu.au
Mon Mar 17 18:42:50 CET 2014

Hi Michal,

You need to first embed the Python interpreter into your C++ application. You can find the relevant information on doing that here<http://docs.python.org/2/extending/embedding.html> . Section 5.3 shows you how you can call a Python function from C++. You then need to wrap your function arguments as PyObects using either the python C API (for types such as int, char * etc.) or shiboken (for Qt classes) in order to pass them to your Python function. You will also need to unwrap any return types to retrieve a pointer to use in C++. There is some code that demonstrates the wrapping/unwrapping here in some of the source from the CLAM project<http://clam-project.org/clam/trunk/ipyclam/>. Admittedly I haven't tried the shiboken code myself as I had already rolled my own before stumbling across this, but I based some code on their sipunwrap source for doing the same thing with PyQt without any problems.

Hope this helps,
Nick ?

From: pyside-bounces+ntod8729=uni.sydney.edu.au at qt-project.org <pyside-bounces+ntod8729=uni.sydney.edu.au at qt-project.org> on behalf of MichaƂ Pachocki <mpachock at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, 17 March 2014 3:39 PM
To: pyside at qt-project.org
Subject: [PySide] PySide C++ hybrid app.


In tutorial "SuperHybrids part 2, now Qt + PySide [1]" there is a description how run python code from c++ lib, but the app is running from python. How to make calls to PySide from native C++ app, so C++ objects will be visible from Python and vice-versa?

[1] http://lynxline.com/superhybrids-part-2-now-qt-pyside/

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