[PySide] PySide documentation on Qt Assistant

Jorge Araya Navarro kartelo at gmx.com
Thu Mar 20 18:05:05 CET 2014


I'm in a journey of generating important python-related documentation of
many important projects to view them on Qt Assistant. I'm struggling to
understand how I can generate the PySide documentation, or how could I
change the CMakeLists files to add the command `sphinx-build -b qthelp .
build/qthelp` and then `qcollectiongenerator-qt4
build/qthelp/PySide.qhcp` so the documentation for Qt Assistant can be

Any help will be very appreciated!
Pax et bonum.
Jorge Araya Navarro.
DiseƱador publicitario, programador Python/C++ y colaborador en Parabola

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