[PySide] QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (0)

Jorge Araya Navarro elcorreo at deshackra.com
Tue Nov 18 20:17:58 CET 2014

Florian Bruhin writes:

> * Jorge Araya Navarro <elcorreo at deshackra.com> [2014-11-17 16:09:33 -0600]:
>> Hello!
>> I have notice this message from Qt `QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (0)` appearing while my application
>> runs. I'm using QtWebKit in my project.
> Hah, I just noticed the same yesterday as well when trying some Qt4
> browser. It seems it's gone in Qt5. Probably it's fixed by [1].
> [1] https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49759
>> Is there a way to suppress it?
> You could use qInstallMsgHandler[2] to install a message handler and
> then filter this message, e.g. using regex.
> [2] http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qtglobal.html#qInstallMsgHandler
> Florian

I have noticed that there isn't documentation in PySide about such solution...

Pax et bonum.
Jorge Araya Navarro.
ES: DiseƱador Publicitario, Programador Python y colaborador en Parabola GNU/Linux-libre
EN: Ads Designer, Python programmer and contributor Parabola GNU/Linux-libre
EO: Anonco grafikisto, Pitino programalingvo programisto kai kontribuanto en Parabola GNU/Linux-libre

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