[PySide] QLabel crops pixmap
Sean Fisk
sean at seanfisk.com
Fri Mar 18 22:30:34 CET 2016
Oops, forgot the attachment! Here you go.
On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 5:28 PM Sean Fisk <sean at seanfisk.com> wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> I’m mostly seeing similar results. Here is my test program:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import sysimport argparse
> from PySide import QtGui
> arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
> description='Display an SVG via QPixmap.')
> arg_parser.add_argument('svg_path', help='SVG file to display')
> args = arg_parser.parse_args()
> app = QtGui.QApplication([])
> pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(args.svg_path)
> label = QtGui.QLabel()
> label.setPixmap(pixmap)
> label.show()
> label.raise_()
> sys.exit(app.exec_())
> OS XWindows
> [image: pixmap-osx.png] [image: pixmap-win.png]
> The SVG does not display at all under Windows. However, checking the
> documentation for QPixmap
> <http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qpixmap.html#reading-and-writing-image-files>
> suggests checking QImageReader::supportedImageFormats() for a full list
> of formats. Doing this yields:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> from __future__ import print_function
> from PySide import QtGui
> print(*QtGui.QImageReader.supportedImageFormats(), sep='\n')
> OS XWindows
> bmp
> gif
> ico
> jpeg
> jpg
> mng
> pbm
> pgm
> png
> ppm
> svg
> svgz
> tga
> tif
> tiff
> xbm
> xpm
> bmp
> gif
> ico
> jpeg
> jpg
> mng
> pbm
> pgm
> png
> ppm
> tga
> tif
> tiff
> xbm
> xpm
> SVG and SVGZ are not on the list for Windows. This indicates to me that Qt
> will either not display those image types or display them incorrectly. I
> would personally suggest using QSvgWidget, which utilizes QSvgRenderer
> but is a lot easier to use. This works for me on both operating systems:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import sysimport argparse
> from PySide import QtGui, QtSvg
> arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
> description='Display an SVG via QSvgWidget.')
> arg_parser.add_argument('svg_path', help='SVG file to display')
> args = arg_parser.parse_args()
> app = QtGui.QApplication([])
> widget = QtSvg.QSvgWidget(args.svg_path)
> widget.show()
> widget.raise_()
> sys.exit(app.exec_())
> OS XWindows
> [image: svgwidget-osx.png] [image: svgwidget-win.png]
> If you’re like me, it bothers you that Qt does not respect the aspect
> ratio of the SVG on resize. For that, I created AspectRatioSvgWidget:
> from __future__ import division
> class AspectRatioSvgWidget(QtSvg.QSvgWidget):
> def paintEvent(self, paint_event):
> painter = QtGui.QPainter(self)
> default_width, default_height = self.renderer().defaultSize().toTuple()
> widget_width, widget_height = self.size().toTuple()
> ratio_x = widget_width / default_width
> ratio_y = widget_height / default_height
> if ratio_x < ratio_y:
> new_width = widget_width
> new_height = widget_width * default_height / default_width
> new_left = 0
> new_top = (widget_height - new_height) / 2
> else:
> new_width = widget_height * default_width / default_height
> new_height = widget_height
> new_left = (widget_width - new_width) / 2
> new_top = 0
> self.renderer().render(
> painter,
> QtCore.QRectF(new_left, new_top, new_width, new_height))
> I’ve included a copy of all the sources including the test SVG I used in
> an attachment. Hope this helps, Frank! Let me know :)
> ~ Sean
> Versions of everything:
> OS XWindows
> Platform: Darwin-14.5.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
> Darwin version info: (‘10.10.5’, (‘’, ‘’, ‘’), ‘x86_64’)
> Python compiler: GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)
> Python version: CPython 2.7.11
> Python interpreter architecture: bits=’64bit’ linkage=’’
> PySide version: 1.2.4
> PySide version tuple: (1, 2, 4, ‘final’, 0)
> Compiled with Qt: 4.8.7
> Running with Qt: 4.8.7
> Platform: Windows-8.1-6.3.9600
> Windows version info: (‘8.1’, ‘6.3.9600’, ‘’, u’Multiprocessor Free’)
> Python compiler: MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)
> Python version: CPython 2.7.11
> Python interpreter architecture: bits=’64bit’ linkage=’WindowsPE’
> PySide version: 1.2.4
> PySide version tuple: (1, 2, 4, ‘final’, 0)
> Compiled with Qt: 4.8.7
> Running with Qt: 4.8.7
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> from __future__ import print_functionimport platformimport argparse
> import PySide
> arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
> description='Print information about the platform, Python, and PySide.')
> arg_parser.parse_args()
> platform_funcs = dict(
> Windows=platform.win32_ver,
> Darwin=platform.mac_ver,
> Linux=platform.linux_distribution,
> )
> system = platform.system()
> for key, val in [
> ('Platform', platform.platform()),
> ('{} version info'.format(system), platform_funcs[system]()),
> ('Python compiler', platform.python_compiler()),
> ('Python version', '{} {}'.format(
> platform.python_implementation(), platform.python_version())),
> ('Python interpreter architecture',
> 'bits={!r} linkage={!r}'.format(*platform.architecture())),
> ('PySide version', PySide.__version__),
> ('PySide version tuple', PySide.__version_info__),
> ('Compiled with Qt', PySide.QtCore.__version__),
> ('Running with Qt', PySide.QtCore.qVersion()),
> ]:
> print('{}: {}'.format(key, val))
> --
> Sean Fisk
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Frank Rueter | OHUfx <frank at ohufx.com>
> wrote:
>> Nobody?
>> Guess I will use pngs then until I can figure this out.
>> On 14/03/16 3:36 pm, Frank Rueter | OHUfx wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> so I have realised that its not the QLabel but the QPixmap in combination
>> to a vector graphic (svg).
>> Below is my test code which works fine on osx but crops the image on the
>> right hand side when run under windows.
>> The svg was saved with a 200 pixel output resolution in the header, and
>> when I check the QPixmap's width it does return 200, still it crops the
>> image.
>> Do I actually have to start using Qt.QSvgRender for something simple like
>> this?
>> Cheers,
>> frank
>> from PySide import QtGui
>> def pixmapTest(imgPath):
>> l = QtGui.QLabel()
>> l.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(imgPath))
>> return l
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>> import sys
>> app = QtGui.QApplication([])
>> if sys.platform == 'win32':
>> imgPath = 'z:/path/to/svg/image.svg'
>> else:
>> imgPath = '/server/path/path/to/svg/image.svg'
>> l = pixmapTest(imgPath)
>> l.show()
>> sys.exit(app.exec_())
>> On 11/03/16 7:46 pm, Frank Rueter | OHUfx wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been using something like the below code on osx without trouble
>> (simple QLabel with setPixmap to show an svg file from my resource module).
>> When running the same code on windows, the label crops the image on the
>> right, and I cannot figure out how to make it behave the same as under osx
>> (adjust to the pixmap's size). Even brudte forcing it's width to somethign
>> much larger than the pixmap will still result in a cropped display.
>> Does anybody know what might be going on?
>> Cheers, frank
>> import common
>> from PySide.QtGui import * # for testing only
>> from PySide.QtCore import * # for testing only
>> class TestImageLabel(QLabel):
>> def __init__(self, parent=None):
>> super(TestImageLabel, self).__init__(parent)
>> self.pm = common.IconCache.getPixmap('nuBridge_logo')
>> self.setPixmap(self.pm)
>> def showEvent(self, e):
>> super(TestImageLabel, self).showEvent(e)
>> print self.pm.width()
>> print self.width()
>> w = TestImageLabel()
>> w.show()
>> --
>> <http://www.ohufx.com> *vfx compositing
>> <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-compositing> | workflow customisation and
>> consulting <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-customising> *
>> _______________________________________________
>> PySide mailing listPySide at qt-project.orghttp://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/pyside
>> --
>> [image: ohufxLogo 50x50] <http://www.ohufx.com> *vfx compositing
>> <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-compositing> | workflow customisation and
>> consulting <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-customising> *
>> _______________________________________________
>> PySide mailing listPySide at qt-project.orghttp://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/pyside
>> --
>> [image: ohufxLogo_50x50.png] <http://www.ohufx.com> *vfx compositing
>> <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-compositing> | workflow customisation and
>> consulting <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-customising> *
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>> PySide at qt-project.org
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