[PySide] Compile error with method taking a reference to an value-type

Julien Cabieces julien.cabieces at oslandia.com
Wed Aug 30 21:27:28 CEST 2023

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Hi everyone,

I get an issue when I try to wrap a method which take a reference
to a value-type class (see attached files for example).

I get the following error message

> error: no matching conversion for functional-style cast from '::A' to '::B'
>        ::B cppArg0_local = ::B(::A());

Which seems normal taking a look at wrapped code. This line

> ::B cppArg0_local = ::B(::A());

should be written this way to compile

> ::A a;
> ::B cppArg0_local = ::B(a);

I'm new to Shiboken, so maybe there is someting to be configured to
avoid this behavior. Or is this an issue?

Kind regards,


Julien Cabieces
Senior Developer at Oslandia
julien.cabieces at oslandia.com

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