[PySide] PySide2 without OpenGL support

Kacvinsky, Tom Tom.Kacvinsky at vector.com
Wed Oct 11 15:56:29 CEST 2023

I am working with Qt5 and PySide2 with Qt5 5.15.2.

I happened to notice that PySide2 has it baked into its configuration that it assumes
Qt5 is built with OpenGL support.  We don't build Qt5 with OpenGL support.

What I'd like to know if there is a version of PySide2 that doesn't assume Qt5 was
built with OpenGL support, or at least allows you to override the default that assumes
Qt5 was built without OpenGL support.

I cannot move to PySide6 and Qt6 due to the nature of the work we are doing right


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