[QBS] qbs code style?

Loaden loaden at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 08:57:08 CEST 2012

Any comments about this change?

2012/6/17 Loaden <loaden at gmail.com>

> If I understand correctly, This code:
>>     cpp.defines: [
>>         "PID_FILE=\"/tmp/mdnsd.pid\"",
>>         "MDNS_UDS_SERVERPATH=\"/tmp/mdnsd\"",
>>         "MDNS_DEBUGMSGS=0",
>>         "HAVE_IPV6"
>>     ]
> Should same with:
>>     cpp.defines: [
>>         *'PID_FILE="/tmp/mdnsd.pid"',
>>         'MDNS_UDS_SERVERPATH="/tmp/mdnsd"',*
>>         "MDNS_DEBUGMSGS=0",
>>         "HAVE_IPV6"
>>     ]
> 2012/6/17 Loaden <loaden at gmail.com>
>> Hi, qbs list!
>> I am now study Creator's qbs files, and fine some different style.
>> I want to know this is the best style?
>> e.g.
>>> condition: qbs.targetOS == "linux" || qbs.targetOS == "macx"
>> or:
>>> condition: qbs.targetOS == 'linux' || qbs.targetOS == 'macx'
>> or:
>>> condition: qbs.targetOS === "linux" || qbs.targetOS === "macx"
>> And:
>>> Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["widgets", "network"] }
>> or:
>>> Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ['widgets', 'network'] }
>> Who is the best one?
>> Any docs about this?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Please don't ask where I come from, It's a shame!
>> Best Regards
>> Yuchen
> --
> Please don't ask where I come from, It's a shame!
> Best Regards
> Yuchen

Please don't ask where I come from, It's a shame!
Best Regards
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