[QBS] "qbs platforms ls" show nothing, "qbs-platforms ls" works well!

Loaden loaden at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 01:37:25 CEST 2012

Of cause, It's only Qt5 issue. and only happened on Windows. (As I know on
Linux everything works well)

> const QString subProcess = subProcessArgs.takeFirst();
>         if (!subProcess.startsWith('-')) {
>             *const int exitCode = QProcess::execute("qbs-" + subProcess,
> subProcessArgs);
> *            if (exitCode != -2)
>                 return exitCode;
>         }

If re-direct to some log, like this: "qbs platforms ls > output.log &&
output.log", Then you can see what you want.
Any comments?

Please don't ask where I come from, It's a shame!
Best Regards
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