[QBS] QBS problems

Jake Thomas Petroules jake.petroules at petroules.com
Fri Jan 25 09:30:30 CET 2013

Hello Ivan,

The way to set base profile is: profiles.<name>.baseProfile: <baseProfileName>. In your case you should be able to run qbs config profiles.qt484.baseProfile gcc to get the correct setup.

This was due to some recent changes to QBS, and qbs-setup-qt doesn't automatically set a base profile for Qt profiles (which would be helpful). I ran into the same problem myself. Here is a related link: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QBS-207

Jake Petroules
Petroules Corporation (www.petroules.com)
Email: jake.petroules at petroules.com
Telephone: +1 (970) 587-3821

On Jan 25, 2013, at 3:22 AM, Иван Комиссаров <abbapoh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Forwarded from qt-interest.
> Иван Комиссаров
> Начало переадресованного сообщения:
> От: Иван Комиссаров <abbapoh at gmail.com>
> Тема: QBS problems
> Дата: 24 января 2013 г., 15:31:40 GMT+04:00
> Кому: interest at qt-project.org
> Hello, i'm trying to start using QBS. I'm following this http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qbs/qbs-qt-versions.html instruction, however i can't set baseProfile for my qt, i get following error trying to build example app:
> ERROR: Unknown property: qbs.baseProfile
> Without base property i get another  error:
> ERROR: /Users/arch/Programming/qt4/alien/qbs-build/share/qbs/modules/qt/core/qtcore.qbs:60 Binding 'cpp.frameworkPaths' failed, no property 'cpp' in the scope of module qt/core
> Here's my config:
> $ qbs config --list 
> defaultProfile: qt484
> profiles.clang.cpp.compilerName: clang++
> profiles.clang.cpp.toolchainInstallPath: /usr/bin
> profiles.clang.qbs.architecture: x86_64
> profiles.clang.qbs.endianness: little-endian
> profiles.clang.qbs.targetOS: mac
> profiles.clang.qbs.toolchain: gcc
> profiles.gcc.cpp.compilerName: g++
> profiles.gcc.cpp.toolchainInstallPath: /usr/bin
> profiles.gcc.qbs.architecture: i686
> profiles.gcc.qbs.endianness: little-endian
> profiles.gcc.qbs.targetOS: mac
> profiles.gcc.qbs.toolchain: gcc
> profiles.qt484.qt.core.binPath: /Developer/Tools/Qt
> profiles.qt484.qt.core.incPath: /usr/include
> profiles.qt484.qt.core.libInfix: 
> profiles.qt484.qt.core.libPath: /Library/Frameworks
> profiles.qt484.qt.core.mkspecPath: /usr/local/Qt4.8/mkspecs/macx-xcode
> profiles.qt484.qt.core.namespace: 
> profiles.qt484.qt.core.version: 4.8.4
> Иван Комиссаров
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