[QBS] Do not called custom Rule from custom Module

Denis Shienkov denis.shienkov at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 14:02:04 CEST 2014


many thanks for your help.

I apply your changes, but still this Rule do not running, using the
QtCreator v3.0.1 with the "native" integrated QBS/QBSPlugin.

But! This Rule works fine using the QtCreator v3.1-beta (with the "native"
integrated QBS/QBSPlugin).

So, now I will use the Beta-version of QtCreator. :)

Best regards,

2014-04-07 14:30 GMT+04:00 Christian Kandeler <christian.kandeler at digia.com>

> On 04/07/2014 11:34 AM, Denis Shienkov wrote:
>> yes, of course, please see a simple project from attachment
> Looks good to me and works here (meaning that the rule is executed). I
> have attached a diff with small corrections, but the errors fixed by them
> have nothing to do with the problem you described. Are you sure that
> nothing happens when you invoke qbs on your project? Have you tried
> removing the build dir?
> Christian
>> Denis
>> 2014-04-07 12:21 GMT+04:00 Christian Kandeler
>> <christian.kandeler at digia.com <mailto:christian.kandeler at digia.com>>:
>>     On 04/05/2014 11:02 AM, Denis Shienkov wrote:
>>      > this does not help, still nothing...
>>     Can you put/paste your project somewhere? Possibly stripped down if
>> it's
>>     too big, but still self-contained. I could take a closer look then.
>>     Christian
>>      > 04.04.2014 18:59, Christian Kandeler пишет:
>>      >> On 04/04/2014 04:43 PM, Denis Shienkov wrote:
>>      >> [ ... ]
>>      >>> and then in my project file I to do:
>>      >>>
>>      >>> import qbs.base 1.0
>>      >>>
>>      >>>
>>      >>> DynamicLibrary  {
>>      >>>       name:  "foo"
>>      >>>           ...
>>      >>>           ...
>>      >>>       Depends  {  name:  "wpp"  }
>>      >>>           ...
>>      >>>           ...
>>      >>>       files:  [
>>      >>>           "bar.cpp",
>>      >>>       ]
>>      >>> }
>>      >>>
>>      >>>
>>      >>> But in my case this does not work, the command do not called..
>>     What I to
>>      >>> do wrong?
>>      >> You haven't told qbs that the artifact created by the rule in
>>     the wpp
>>      >> module is required to build your product. Add this to your
>>     module item:
>>      >>       additionalProductTypes: "tmh"
>>      >>
>>      >>
>>      >> Christian
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