[QBS] Rule ist not executed

Wolf Bublitz wolf.bublitz at gmail.com
Sat Nov 22 21:36:02 CET 2014


I am new to QBS and currently I am trying to setup a custom Rule:

        property string targetDir: path

        name: "Test"

        Depends { name: "cpp" }
        Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core"]}

            inputs: ["hpp"]

                filePath: "test/" + input.filePath
                fileTags: ["HeaderCopy"]

                var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
                cmd.description = "copying " + input.filePath;
                cmd.highlight = "filegen";
                cmd.sourceCode = function()
                    print("simulated copy");

                return cmd;

As shown above my rule should copy the header files to a directory called „test“. Please note that there is no copying at all at the moment, the Rule just prints „simulated copy“ for testing purpose. The problem I am fighting with is that my Rule seems not to be executed. As far as I see it, I would expect „copying header1.h“ and „copying header2.h“ in the output of QBS but nothing happens at all. The files are „just“ compiled and nothing more happens.

I would be happy if some of could give me a hint why my rule keeps doing nothing.


Wolf Bublitz
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