[QBS] Using Assembler files with Visual Studio/MinGW on Windows

Tim Hutt tdhutt at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 13:42:59 CEST 2015

Yep, works for me. One thing that caught me out though is that the gnu
assembler treats file extensions differently depending on their case, which
can be an issue for windows. Specifically .S and .sx are handled by the
preprocessor (macros etc), but .s is not!

On 6 April 2015 at 12:20, Hristo Hristov <registrirayme at live.com> wrote:

> I added an assembler file to my project on Linux and it compiles and runs
> as expected.
> On Windows the assembler file appears to be ignored with Visual Studio and
> won't link with MinGW.
> Does Qbs support assembler files?
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