[QBS] Append to cpp.systemIncludePaths

Catalin Moldovan moldovan.catalin at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 13:47:11 CEST 2015


I'm having a hard time understanding how to append to
cpp.systemIncludePaths. I have something like this:

StaticLibrary {
    id: bgfx
    name: "bgfx"
    files: [
    Depends { name: "cpp" }

    cpp.includePaths: [ "bx/include", "bgfx/include" ]

    Properties {
     condition: qbs.toolchain.contains("msvc")
     cpp.systemIncludePaths: [ "bx/include/compat/msvc" ]

    Properties {
     condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("mingw")
     cpp.systemIncludePaths: [ "bx/include/compat/mingw" ]

Now from what I understood the Properties component are exclusive so
default cpp.systemIncludePaths are overwritten. How could I conditionally
append to and existing pathList?
How can I achieve this:
cpp.systemIncludePaths = cpp.systemIncludePaths + additionalPaths

Inside qmake .pro files I can do something like SOURCES += ... or DEFINES
+= ...

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