[QBS] [Android-development] Single APK for multiple architectures

BogDan bog_dan_ro at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 16 16:13:21 CEST 2015

Hi Bruno,
Yep, for the moment the only way to do it is the create a separate apk for intel and bump the version.I don't think it's Qt's fault that Google store is stupid enough and do not filter the architectures correctly... The only thing we can do is to add some info abou it on our docs which most probably nobody will read it ;-).

     On Friday, October 16, 2015 4:26 PM, Bruno Tezine <btezine at gmail.com> wrote:

 Hi BogDan, Thank you for your response and congratulations for the wonderful job you have done into Android!!So, the only workaround for intel-x86 android phones is to create a separate apk for it and always keep it with a higher version code, correct? That's because if the version code is lower than the ARM apk, Google will always send the ARM apk even for intel-x86 phones as they can emulate ARM instructions. I don't know if Digia is aware of this issue, because "Qt 5 everywhere" app takes more than 10 seconds to load the first screen into Asus Zenphone 5(intel). Every Qt ARM app takes more than 10 seconds to load in a intel device. Cheers,     Bruno.

2015-10-16 4:58 GMT-03:00 BogDan <bog_dan_ro at yahoo.com>:

Hi Bruno,
Theoretically yes. Sadly it is very VERY hard to do it using the existing Qt build system(s) (qmake & cmake). Qbs[0] (partially) fixed that problem, but you need to wait for a while until Android support in qbs & in QtCreator QBS plugin will be polished. 
Cheers,BogDan.[0] https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Build_Suite http://doc.qt.io/qbs/ 

     On Thursday, October 15, 2015 8:29 PM, Bruno Tezine <btezine at gmail.com> wrote:

How can I create a single apk that targets multiple architectures? Ex: I'd like to create one single android installer for intel-x86 and ARM.
I know this is feasible, but I haven't found a way to do it using Qt.
Thank you,

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