[Qbs] Qbs Automatic Projects

Joerg Bornemann joerg.bornemann at qt.io
Tue Jun 27 13:51:15 CEST 2017

On 26/06/2017 10:44, resurrection at centrum.cz wrote:

> I tried Qbs and immediately recognised it had even bigger 
> potential for automating project definitions except... it discourages 
> doing that (see for example this 
> <https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QBS-1119> and quite a few other 
> instances where such approach is discouraged). I honestly do not 
> understand why. What does it bring me to type out the same thing over 
> and over again? You would not do it in your code. You would make a 
> method or class or at least a loop. Yet for some reason I am supposed to 
> do that with project files...

Be assured that nobody want to discourage you from doing anything. If 
you have any specific use case in mind, please comment on the bug reports.

We are reluctant though to implement heaps of special features that are 
useful for only one person. That's how qmake became what it is today.

> Model scenario
That's an impressive showcase containing some interesting ideas!
If that's really flexible enough for all kinds of projects is 
questionable though.



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