[Qbs] Using clang-tidy with Qbs

Christian Gagneraud chgans at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 08:33:41 CEST 2017

On 25/09/2017 6:44 pm, <timur.kristof at gmail.com> wrote:


> > > I've found this bugreport: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QBS-99
> > > 7
> > > However it's unclear to me whether this actually made it into Qbs
> > > yet.
> > >
> > > What's the right way to use clang-tidy with my Qbs-based project?
> >
> > qbs generate -g clangdb
> > ls -l <profile>/compile_commands.json
> > clang-check -p <profile> path/to/source.cpp
> > clang-tidy -p <profile> path/to/source.cpp
> set -e
> qbs generate -g clangdb
> find . -name '*.cpp'  | clang-check -p <some-default-qbs-profile>
> is somehow an unreal example of a git hook, server and/or client side
> Chris.

Thank you Chris!
I'm not accustomed to using Qbs on the command line. How do I set up a
Qbs profile? Is there a detailed documentation for that?

So far, I've looked at the Configuring and How-tos section in the docs
but they don't cover this. I'd like to set up an arm-none-eabi kit like
I have with Qt Creator.

Are you talking "bare metal" toolchain?

Anyway, look at qbs auxiliary programs such  as qbs-setup-toolchain,
qbs-config, qbs-config-ui...

You might want to add /path/to/qt/sdk/Tools/QtCreator/bin to your path.

You can as well re-use qtc's own qbs profile. In CI I don't, but I would do
on a Dev machine.

Answering from my phone, please excuse my brievity.

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