[Qbs] How do I use Parameter property in a module itself?

Иван Комиссаров abbapoh at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 20:45:50 CEST 2019

Yes, I’d like to have some syntax sugar here.
But 2-liner is probably OK too.

> 10 июня 2019 г., в 20:32, Richard Weickelt <richard at weickelt.de> написал(а):
> Ivan,
> Do you actually want to achieve this?
>    Module {
>        property bool useFeature: false
>        Probes.BinaryProbe {
>            condition: useFeature
>        }
>    }
>    Product {
>        Depends { name: "mymodule"; }
>        mymodule.useFeature: true
>    }
> The Parameter item, as far as I understand it, makes only sense if you have
> - 2 products A and B
> - B depends on A and on mymodule
> - in the context of B you want to control, how a module "mymodule"
>  handles A
> You wouldn't use it to just parameterize "mymodule", because that can be
> achieved with plain properties.
> The probably best explanation so far of the Parameter item can be found in
> the following blog post:
> https://blog.qt.io/blog/2017/09/05/qbs-1-9-released/ I realize that the
> reference documentation of the Parameter item is insufficient and the
> example in the module documentation could be more sensible.
> Richard
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