[Qbs] Evaluation of Conditional Depends

Christian Gagneraud chgans at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 07:20:36 CEST 2020

On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 04:30, Christian Gudrian <qbs at gudrian.org> wrote:
> Hello!
> In ModuleA there is a property enableFeature which by default is false.
> ModuleB conditionally depends on ModuleC, if ModuleA.enableFeature is true.
> A Product depends on ModuleA and ModuleB and sets ModuleA.enableFeature to true. However, ModuleC is not used as a dependency.

That looks like a weird scenario, maybe this means that the
enableFeature property is not in the right place.
Can't you move it to the top project, and pull it in Module A & B?
Or maybe proxy the property in module B, e.g. your product assigns the
same value to ModuleA.enableFeature and ModuleB.enableSameFeature?


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