[Qbs] Build and run a AuxiliaryApplication before build a MainApplication

Карелин Павел hkarel at yandex.ru
Thu Feb 11 08:58:07 CET 2021

Hi, Alberto, colleagues

At first, your recipe with
   type: ["application", "trigrams-generator"]
   Depends { productTypes: ["trigrams-generator"] }
helped me, the project was built.

But then I found out that the assembly of the project depends on the 
order of declaring sections 'Depends'

This is how the project is build:
     Depends { name: "cpp" }
     Depends { productTypes: ["trigrams-generator"] }
     Depends { name: "SharedLib" }
     Depends { name: "Yaml" }
     Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core", "widgets"] }

But this is no longer:
     Depends { name: "cpp" }
     Depends { name: "SharedLib" }
     Depends { name: "Yaml" }
     Depends { productTypes: ["trigrams-generator"] }
     Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core", "widgets"] }

The presence of the 'explicitlyDependsOnFromDependencies' directive does 
not solve the problem.
I am attaching qbs-files of the project, so that can more accurately 
evaluate them.

The project itself is located here: https://github.com/hkarel/qgit.git
Branch: 3x-spellcheck
Commit: 50285c7aea2c8546cf95a531e645c18dd1e1ab8e

Remark: the utility for generating the trigram-file has been slightly 
Now instead of one map-file, a file is generated for each language. 
Accordingly, the QBS-rule has changed slightly.


10.02.2021 17:54, Alberto Mardegan пишет:
> Just got some more thoughts:
> On 10/02/21 11:48, Карелин Павел wrote:
>> --- parsetrigrams.qbs ---
>> import qbs
>> import qbs.FileInfo
>> Product {
>>      name: "SonnetParseTrigrams"
>>      targetName: "sonnet_parsetrigrams"
>>      condition: true
>>      type: "application"
> You can add an additional type here, like
>      type: ["application", "trigram-generator"]
> And then:
>> --- qgit.qbs ---
>> import qbs
>> import qbs.FileInfo
>> Product {
>>      name: "QGit"
>>      targetName: "qgit"
>>      type: "application"
>>      destinationDirectory: "./bin"
>>      Depends { name: "cpp" }
>>      Depends { name: "SonnetParseTrigrams" }
>>      Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core", "widgets"] }
> Here add
>      Depends { productTypes: ["trigram-generator"] }
> and in your Rule add
>      explicitlyDependsOnFromDependencies: ["trigram-generator"]
> I'm not 100% sure that the last one is needed, but it seems to make
> sense :-)
> Ciao,
>    Alberto

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import qbs
import "qbs/imports/QbsUtl/qbsutl.js" as QbsUtl

Project {
    name: "QGit (Project)"
    minimumQbsVersion: "1.18.0"
    qbsSearchPaths: ["qbs"]

    readonly property string minimumQtVersion: "5.12.6"
    readonly property bool conversionWarnEnabled: true

    readonly property var projectVersion: projectProbe.projectVersion
    readonly property string projectGitRevision: projectProbe.projectGitRevision

    Probe {
        id: projectProbe
        property var projectVersion;
        property string projectGitRevision;

        readonly property string projectBuildDirectory:  buildDirectory
        readonly property string projectSourceDirectory: sourceDirectory

        configure: {
            projectVersion = QbsUtl.getVersions(projectSourceDirectory + "/VERSION");
            projectGitRevision = QbsUtl.gitRevision(projectSourceDirectory);
            //if (File.exists(projectBuildDirectory + "/package_build_info"))
            //    File.remove(projectBuildDirectory + "/package_build_info")

    property var cppDefines: {
        var def = [
            "VERSION_PROJECT=\"" + projectVersion[0] + "\"",
            "VERSION_PROJECT_MAJOR=" + projectVersion[1],
            "VERSION_PROJECT_MINOR=" + projectVersion[2],
            "VERSION_PROJECT_PATCH=" + projectVersion[3],
            "GIT_REVISION=\"" + projectGitRevision + "\"",

        if (qbs.buildVariant === "release")

        if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")
            && qbs.toolchain && qbs.toolchain.contains("mingw"))

        return def;

    property var cxxFlags: [
    property string cxxLanguageVersion: "c++17"

    references: [
-------------- next part --------------
import qbs
import qbs.File
import qbs.FileInfo

Product {
    name: "QGit"
    targetName: "qgit"

    type: "application"
    destinationDirectory: "./bin"

    Depends { name: "cpp" }
    Depends { name: "SharedLib" }
    Depends { name: "Yaml" }
    Depends { productTypes: ["trigrams-generator"] }
    Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core", "widgets"] }

    cpp.defines: project.cppDefines
    cpp.cxxFlags: {
        var cxx = project.cxxFlags.concat([

        if (qbs.buildVariant !== "debug")

        if (project.conversionWarnEnabled)

        return cxx;
    cpp.cxxLanguageVersion: project.cxxLanguageVersion

    cpp.includePaths: [

    // Suppression a Qt warnings
    cpp.systemIncludePaths: Qt.core.cpp.includePaths

    cpp.dynamicLibraries: [

    Group {
        name: "resources"
        files: {
            var files = [
            if (qbs.targetOS.contains('windows')
                && qbs.toolchain && qbs.toolchain.contains('msvc'))

            if (qbs.targetOS.contains('macos') &&
                qbs.toolchain && qbs.toolchain.contains('gcc'))

            return files;

    Group {
        name: "windows"
        files: [

    Group {
        name: "others"
        files: [

    Group {
        name: "spellcheck"
        files: [

    Group {
        fileTags: "trigrams"
        files: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.sourceDirectory, "spellcheck/sonnet/trigrams/*")

    Group {
        fileTagsFilter: ["trigrams-map"]
        fileTags: ["qt.core.resource_data"]
    Qt.core.resourceFileBaseName: "trigrams"
    Qt.core.resourcePrefix: "trigrams"

    Rule {
        id: idtrigrams
        inputs: ["trigrams"]
        explicitlyDependsOnFromDependencies: ["trigrams-generator"]

        Artifact {
            fileTags: ["trigrams-map"]
            filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(project.buildDirectory, "trigrams", input.baseName + ".tmap")
        prepare: {
            var runUtl = FileInfo.joinPaths(project.buildDirectory, "bin/sonnet_parsetrigrams");
            var outputFile = FileInfo.joinPaths(project.buildDirectory, "trigrams", input.baseName + ".tmap");

            File.makePath(FileInfo.joinPaths(project.buildDirectory, "trigrams"));

//            console.info("=== runUtl ===");
//            console.info(input);
//            console.info(inputs);
//            console.info(runUtl);
//            console.info(input.filePath);
//            console.info(outputFile);

            var cmd = new Command(runUtl, [input.filePath, outputFile]);
            cmd.description = "sonnet parse trigrams";
            cmd.highlight = "filegen";
            return cmd;

    files: [

//    property var test: {
//        console.info("=== Qt.core.version ===");
//        console.info(Qt.core.version);
//        console.info("=== VERSION_PROJECT ===");
//        console.info(project.projectVersion[0]);
//    }
-------------- next part --------------
import qbs
import qbs.FileInfo

Product {
    name: "SonnetParseTrigrams"
    targetName: "sonnet_parsetrigrams"
    condition: true

    //type: "application"
    type: ["application", "trigrams-generator"]
    destinationDirectory: "./bin"

    Depends { name: "cpp" }
    Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core"] }

    cpp.defines: project.cppDefines
    cpp.cxxFlags: project.cxxFlags
    cpp.cxxLanguageVersion: project.cxxLanguageVersion

    // This declaration is needed to suppress Qt warnings
    cpp.systemIncludePaths: Qt.core.cpp.includePaths

    files: [

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