[Qbs] Failed 'PackageBuild' product on QBS 1.22

Карелин Павел hkarel at yandex.ru
Tue May 10 15:02:25 CEST 2022

05.05.2022 12:14, Christian Kandeler пишет:
> On 5/5/22 11:00, Карелин Павел wrote:
>> 05.05.2022 10:47, Christian Kandeler пишет:
>>> On 5/4/22 18:18, Карелин Павел wrote:
>>>> Christian, how would you solve my problem?
>>>> After the project is built, the deb-package is assembled. To build 
>>>> the deb-package, you need a list of dependent libraries (not all, 
>>>> only parts, system dependencies no required). For example this list:
>>>> /opt/ffmpeg/4.4/lib/libavutil.so*
>>>> /opt/ffmpeg/4.4/lib/libswscale.so*
>>>> /opt/ffmpeg/4.4/lib/libswresample.so*
>>>> /opt/opencv/4.5.5/lib/libopencv_core.so*
>>>> /opt/opencv/4.5.5/lib/libopencv_calib3d.so*
>>>> /opt/opencv/4.5.5/lib/libopencv_imgproc.so*
>>>> I can get library paths and names of so-modules from dependencies:
>>>> Depends { name: "lib.ffmpeg" }
>>>> Depends { name: "lib.opencv" }
>>>> How can I create such a list and put it in the package_build_info 
>>>> file? With the rules?
>>> lib.ffmpeg and lib.opencv are modules in your projects?
>> Yes, they are modules. I use my own QBS-extensions to include 
>> third-party assembled libraries in my projects 
>> (https://github.com/hkarel/QbsExt/tree/master/modules/lib).
> Then I think the correct way is to
>     - collect these libraries in a Group in the respective module
>     - mark them as target artifacts (see 
> https://doc.qt.io/qbs/qml-qbslanguageitems-group.html#filesAreTargets-prop)
>     - give them a suitable tag
>     - on the consuming side, create a rule whose 
> inputsFromDependencies matches that tag and in this rule, do whatever 
> you need to do.

Tried to follow you recommendation:

--- LibModule ---
Module {
     id: libmod
     property string prefix
     property string version: ""

     property bool enabled: true
     property bool useSystem: false

     property string includeSuffix: "/include"
     property string libSuffix: "/lib"

     property path includePath: (useSystem || !enabled)
                                ? undefined
                                : prefix + (version.length ? "/" + 
version : "") + includeSuffix

     property path libraryPath: (useSystem || !enabled)
                                ? undefined
                                : prefix + (version.length ? "/" + 
version : "") + libSuffix

     property var dynamicLibraries: ["sodium"]
     property var staticLibraries: []
     Group {
         //name: "package-build"
         fileTags: "package-build"
         filesAreTargets: true
         files: {
             var libfiles = [];
             if (!libmod.useSystem && libmod.enabled)
                 for (var i in libmod.dynamicLibraries) {
                         libmod.libraryPath +

             console.info("=== libfiles ===");

             return libfiles;
} // Module

LibModule {
     id: sodium
     version: "1.0.x"
     prefix: "/opt/sodium"
     checkingHeaders:  ["sodium.h"]
     dynamicLibraries: ["sodium"]
     staticLibraries:  ["sodium"]

Product {
     name: "ToxPhone"
     Depends { name: "lib.sodium" }
     lib.sodium.version:   project.sodiumVersion
     //lib.sodium.useSystem: project.useSystemSodium

     Rule {
         id: pkgbuild
         //inputs: ["package-build"]
         inputsFromDependencies: ["package-build"]

         Artifact {
             fileTags: ["package-build-file"]
             filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(project.buildDirectory, 
         prepare: {
             var outputFile = FileInfo.joinPaths(project.buildDirectory, 

             console.info("=== outputFile ===");

} // Product

The inscription "=== outputFile ===" is never printed. What am I doing 

> Christian
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