[Qbs] Selecting target architecture for Android

Alberto Mardegan mardy at users.sourceforge.net
Mon May 23 22:32:41 CEST 2022

Hi Christian,

On 23/05/22 11:12, Christian Kandeler wrote:
> Presumably you have set qbs.install to true somewhere in the library 
> product, with no per-arch differentiation, leading to  a conflict. Since 
> in the Android case the libraries are not the final build artifact, they 
> should not get installed.

I do have an "install: true" on the library product, indeed. But I 
thought this was needed to have the library installed on Linux?

> NDK ABI name and qbs architecture name are not always the same. I 
> suppose qbs.architecture would be armv7a here.

Ah, you are right, thanks! This got me a bit further; I'm getting 
another error now, but before bothering you with that I want to try with 
the latest QBS version (I am using 1.16, and I see that several things 
have changed in regard to Android builds since then).


http://www.mardy.it - Geek in un lingua international

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