[Qbs] Language Proposal: A generic `Item{}` for classifying bindable objects.

hug-animals hug-animals at protonmail.com
Fri Sep 2 04:13:51 CEST 2022

Greetings. I've been using QBS for quite awhile and have been expanding its use to do things other than build c++ projects. I have run up onto a limitting factor, and so I would like to make a language proposal to fix this.

Generic `Item` for classifying bindable properties.

What does this look like?

Product {
/* Syntax 1 */
property var feed: Item {
property string hobo
property var seed: Item {
property string chuck

/* Syntax 2 */
Item {
id: feed // unique ID to Product
property string hobo
Item {
id: seed
property string chuck

/* Syntax 3 */
Item {
name: "feed" // unique name to Product
property string hobo
Item {
id: seed
property string chuck

/* In use */
import "Sneed.qbs" as Sneed

Sneed {
feed.hobo : "Hobo"
feed.seed.chuck: "Chuck"

What do you mean, "Classifying"?Sub Properties, stemming from a singular name, like `feed.hobo:` -- `feed` becomes the class, `hobo` becomes the property.

Why not use modules to do this?Modules can only exist in certain elements. `Item` should exist for every module. [Unless specifically blacklisted]

Is this important?Yes, insofar as it reduces namespace pollution in a practical way that is currently impossible.

What do you need this for?
In short, I am creating an expansive probe with hundreds of potential properties. Namespace pollution has become an issue, as well as encapsulation.

Why not name things `feed_seed_chuck:` instead of `feed.seed.chuck:`?
It may be the case, that I do not want to use anything from `feed` at all. It is much easier to check for `feed`s initialization than individually for `feed_seed_check` and `feed_hobo`.

Are you willing to program this?I have ~8 years experience as a Qt developer, and some time to throw at this.

Potential Drawbacks:- This does depart a bit from QML syntax rules.

What sort of feedback are you looking for?- Is there any inherent opposition on technical grounds?
- What is the ideal syntax?
- General thoughts.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
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