[Qbs] qbs 2.2 released

Christian Kandeler Christian.Kandeler at qt.io
Tue Dec 12 16:02:59 CET 2023


we have released qbs 2.2.1 today.

As usual, sources, binaries, change log etc can be found here:

This release of qbs is also part of Qt Creator 12.0.1.

Please also take a look at https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/qbs/2023-September/003097.html, if
you haven't done so already.

In case you are wondering what happened to 2.2.0: We had two serious problems that made us essentially skip that release:
  1) Our CI job for producing release binaries was broken and we did not manage to fix it in time.
  2) qbs stopped working at all with the latest MSVC (https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QBS-1743).
Technically, it does exist, though, in that it is tagged accordingly and shipped as part of Qt Creator 12.0.0.


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