[Qbs] How to use 'qbs' in a JavaScript function?

Christian Kandeler christian.kandeler at qt.io
Tue Sep 5 18:06:15 CEST 2023

On 9/5/23 12:08, Jochen Becher wrote:
> until qbs 1.9 the following works:

Not on purpose, though.

Quite a number of things "worked" that shouldn't have, as there was a 
lot of scope pollution.

> import qbs 1.0
> import import 'utils.js' as Utils
> Probe {
> 	id: workspaceRootDetector
> 	property path rootDir
> 	configure: {
> 		rootDir = Utils.detectWorkspaceRoot(qbs)
> 	}
> }
> Since qbs 2.0.2 (from QtCreator 10.0.2), I get the following error
> message from calling Utils.detectWorkspaceRoot:
> 'qbs' is not defined
> 'qbs' is used within Utils.detectWorkspaceRoot to access some
> properties from qbs, e.g.,
> return qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") ? "D:/projects" : "/projects"
> How can I achieve the same with qbs 2.0.2?

Store the data you are interested in as input properties:

Probe {
     id: workspaceRootDetector

     // Inputs:
     property stringList targetOS: qbs.targetOS
     // ...

     // Outputs:
     property path rootDir

     configure: {
         rootDir = Utils.detectWorkspaceRoot(targetOS/*, ...*/)


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