[Qbs] Problems with Xml.DomDocument through a module provider

Björn Schäpers qt-maillist at hazardy.de
Wed Jun 12 22:03:14 CEST 2024


okay I debugged into it, it's a stack overflow from something completely 
different. I wonder why the release variant only crashed with the module 
provider in place.

I did try to replicate the issue with a small example, but the problem did not 
show. So I can't give you anything.

Nevertheless thanks,

Am 12.06.2024 um 10:41 schrieb Иван Комиссаров:
> Hello.
> The usual. Build Qbs in debug mode and run in the debugger, possibly with --jobs=1.
> Or attach to the running Qbs Session in QtC/vscode.
> Alternatively, if you code is public, provide a link to repo to reproduce and we can take a look.
> Ivan
>> 12 июня 2024 г., в 00:31, Björn Schäpers <qt-maillist at hazardy.de> написал(а):
>> Hi,
>> I've created a module that reads a xml file and exports some of the content through properties, that works nice. I wanted to extend it, so that there is a (predefined) choice of xml files, and one could depend on multiple of these. So I thought a module provider would be the right choice. I have setup the provider, but qbs crashes on the load() of the xml document, a console.info() before is still printed, afterwards not anymore.
>> I've even changed the provider to just depend on the old module and then it also crashes, while the module itself still works if a product depends on it directly.
>> How can I debug what's happening here?
>> Kind regards,
>> Björn.
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