[Qt-creator] Error message on startup

Ladnar, Marc Marc.Ladnar at ksab.kroschu.com
Mon May 18 07:35:08 CEST 2009

I run Qt-Creator in different Versions and on startup it allways brigs
me the message:
cd: 8: can't cd to /usr/local/lib/Qt-4.5.0/bin/../lib64
What is the matter for that? Is there a kind of Platform autodetection
in Creator and it tries to load the Qt 64bit libs?
I think it doesn't change the behaviour of creator because it has all
the functionallyties working I expect it to have, so it's not urgent.
I just want to know if it is an error or if I did something wrong
compiling QtCreator.
Have a nice day,
Marc Ladnar

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