[Qt-creator] Creator exhausting all memory when jumping between QML projects

Harri Pasanen harri at mpaja.com
Thu Nov 3 13:06:11 CET 2011

I've been immersing myself in QML this week.
In opening various example projects and jumping between projects, 
Creator seems to get confused at times and it starts eating memory quickly.
Luckily I have 16Gb, and I usually notice the slowdown so that I can 
kill it before the machine starts trashing.

Qt Creator 2.3.1

Based on Qt 4.7.4 (64 bit)
Built on Sep 21 2011 at 11:02:40
 From revision f184ced2e1

On Kubuntu 11.04 amd64

I wonder if this a known issue? I did quickly browse through qt bugs, 
but I did not find anything recent that would be similar to this.

If not known, I could at least try to strace it and maybe attach a gdb 
to shed a light next time it happens.


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