[Qt-creator] Qt5 + CMake: qdeclarativefolderlistmodel.h(56): Error: Undefined interface

Loaden loaden at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 09:47:35 CEST 2012

Hi, list!
It should is a bug from MOC or QTC.

[1/6 ?/sec] Generating moc_qdeclarativefolderlistmodel.cxx

FAILED: cmd.exe /c cd
D:\qpSOFT\Projects\QtCreator\build\src\libs\qtcomponents\styleitem &&

Error: Undefined interface

ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

15:40:20: The process "D:\qpSOFT\MyDEV\tool\ninja\ninja.exe" exited with
code 1.

Error while building/deploying project qtcreator (target: Desktop)

When executing step 'Make'


> -DWIN32
> -o
> D:/qpSOFT/Projects/QtCreator/build/src/libs/qtcomponents/styleitem/moc_qdeclarativefolderlistmodel.cxx
> D:/qpSOFT/Projects/QtCreator/src/libs/qtcomponents/styleitem/qdeclarativefolderlistmodel.h

See here (LN 56):
//![class begin]

class QDeclarativeFolderListModel : public QAbstractListModel, public




//![class begin]

//![class props]

    Q_PROPERTY(QUrl folder READ folder WRITE setFolder NOTIFY folderChanged)

It will broken CMake build, but it can compiled with qmake.
When I comment that line (LN 56), then everything works.
Test it under Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04.

Any comments?

*Please don't ask where I come from, It's a shame!*
Best Regards
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