[Qt-creator] First contribution

Sergey Shambir sergey.shambir.auto at gmail.com
Sat Apr 6 16:54:06 CEST 2013

1) There are two kinds of auto tests: unit tests within sources and 
tests\auto. Unit tests included in any Debug build, you can just add 
command-line parameter "-test CppTools" (or "-test AnyPluginName") and 
run app. Other autotests are separate build targets, you can just select 
which program to run with Ctrl+R, as usual.

2) Did you registered public SSH key here? 

06.04.2013 13:37, Pawe? ?????:
> Hello,
> Very thanks for your respond and advice. I understand it much better 
> now but still have some question.
> 1) Do we have some regression tests that can be run on QtCreator to 
> verify whether my changes don't break anything? I see the directory 
> "tests\auto" that looks like some kind of automatic tests. how can I 
> run it on Windows?
> 2) I tried to do a push my changes with command "git push 
> ssh://pawel12@codereview.qt-project.org:29418/qt-creator/qt-creator 
> HEAD:refs/for/master", but I have an error that says:
> "fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
> Please make sure you have the correct access rights
> and the repository exists."
> Despite on this I can successfully perform "ssh -p 29418 
> pawel12 at codereview.qt-project.org", but I cannot push my review. Do I 
> need some additional credentials? On the page 
> "https://codereview.qt-project.org/" I see the Agreements link and 
> just submitted my agreement will it help?
> best regards
> Pawel
> On Fri, 05 Apr 2013 21:19:03 +0200, Lorenz Haas <lykurg at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I am also just started to contribute and used the introduction you
>     mentioned, and it worked fine for me. (I haven't heard complaints
>     yet...) Just use
>     git push
>     ssh://<username>@codereview.qt-project.org:29418/qt-creator/qt-creator
>     <http://codereview.qt-project.org:29418/qt-creator/qt-creator>
>     HEAD:refs/for/master
>     to push changes. You can also have a look at
>     http://qt-project.org/wiki/Setting-up-Gerrit.
>     Best
>     Lorenz
>     P.s.: You do not have to create a bug report to submit changes.
>     You can just push changes to gerrit. (Because it seems you have
>     published the report some hours ago when you already had the
>     solution.)
> -- 
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