[Qt-creator] How to match function invocation and definition?

dydx 549088764 at qq.com
Tue Nov 5 06:26:50 CET 2013

Thanks for Nikolai Kosjar's reply in my last e-mail. Now I can get a function's declaration when it is invoked. Here's my code.

bool RefVisitor::visit(CallAST *ast)                                      // my ASTVisitor
    // get candidate types
    CPlusPlus::TypeOfExpression toe;
    const QList<LookupItem> resolvedSymbols = toe.reference(ast,this->_doc,this->_currentScope);

    if (!resolvedSymbols.isEmpty()) 
        LookupItem result = skipForwardDeclarations(resolvedSymbols);

        // find best candidates
        foreach (const LookupItem &r, resolvedSymbols)
            if (Symbol *d = r.declaration()) 
                if (d->isDeclaration() || d->isFunction()) 
                    result = r;
        // get complete declarations, stored in cmpDecl
        // following code is adapted from constructor of CppDeclarableElement, which is used to get tooltip info.
        QString cmpDecl;
        if (Symbol *d = result.declaration()) 
            Overview overview;
            overview.showArgumentNames = true;
            overview.showReturnTypes = true;
            QString name = overview.prettyName(d->name());
            QString qn;
            if (d->enclosingScope()->isClass() ||
                d->enclosingScope()->isNamespace() ||
                    qn = overview.prettyName(LookupContext::fullyQualifiedName(d));
                cmpDecl = Overview().prettyType(d->type(),qn);

   [Here is some original ast traverse code...]

Now I can get a declaration string for a function from cmpDecl.  I think this can be used to match the declarations in the .h files, but may not be the best idea. So here I want to ask for some other solutions.

(1)As I was told previously, I can get the function/class list by the following code:
    CppTools::Internal::CppLocatorData*locD = (CppTools::Internal::CppLocatorData*) ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::getObjectByClassName("CppTools::Internal::CppLocatorData");
    QList<CppTools::ModelItemInfo>f = locD->functions();
    QList<CppTools::ModelItemInfo>c = locD->classes();

So how to search a specific declaration in the list ?

(2) I also note that the FullySpecifiedType have == operator, will this help me?

Thanks a lot.
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